Tips forthe Athlete: Maintaining Healthy Muscles and Joints


When you are an athlete, it is important to keep your joints and muscles healthy. If you don’t maintain healthy muscles and joints, you will not be able to play your sport effectively. Here are some helpful tips for keeping your joints and muscles healthy.

Eat the Right Foods

One of the easiest ways to maintain healthy joints and muscles is to eat the right foods. Make sure to eat foods that contain calcium, vitamin C, vitamin D and omega-3 fatty acids. Fill your diet with plenty of yogurt, fruits, vegetables, fish, nuts and lean meats. These foods will keep your bones strong and promote muscle development.

Maintain a Healthy Weight

If you want to keep your joints and muscles healthy, you have to maintain a healthy weight. Even a few extra pounds can put extra pressure on your joints. Having extra weight on your body is also not good for your heart. Make an effort to maintain a healthy weight by eating a clean diet and exercising at least a few times a week.

Don’t Train Too Much

Even if you are preparing for a competition, you should not train too much. Training too much can be very hard on your joints and cause injuries or damage. If your muscles feel sore for more than 48 hours after working out, it is a sign that you are working out too hard.

Keep Your Joints Warm

If you keep your joints warm, you will protect them from injury. For example, if you are running outside in the cold, you should wear warm and protective clothing.

Drink Plenty of Water

When you are working out, it is important to drink plenty of water. Drinking water will keep your body hydrated, which will help prevent injuries. Make sure to always have water by your side when you are exercising. Drinking water will also help you work out longer.

Do Weight Training Exercises

One of the best ways to protect your joints against injuries is to develop strong muscles. Do weight training exercises twice a week that will strengthen your muscles. If you have never used weights before, ask a personal trainer to help you.

Visit a Physical Therapist

If nothing seems to help your sore joints and muscles, you should visit a physical therapist. A trained physical therapist, such as found at sports medicine in north jersey, will find the root of the problem and teach you ways to strengthen your muscles around your sore joints.

Author Bio: Annette Hazard is a freelance blogger that is currently promoting north jersey neuropathy specialists. She enjoys writing about health and is an avid cyclist.

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Kiran Garg is a professional fitness writer, blogger, and editor based in Delhi, India. She has been writing for health, fitness, weight loss, beauty etc topics on She talks about the best ways and improvisations on health and fitness. She writes for many print and online sites, self-published a book of fitness, health stories, Her aim is to make aware people for their fitness.


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